April 26 - June 07




Comedy Workshop at Mic Drop Comedy Club!

Join our six week stand up comedy workshop, and develop a 5 minute set that you can perform at open mics and live shows!

Every week will be an interactive workshop that will cover different topics.

This workshop covers:

Stage presence

How to deal with hecklers

Comedy terminology

Writing techniques

Joke structure

Story telling

Finding your “voice”

This course is led by professional stand up comedians with years of experience. The workshop simulates a small show environment that gives each student an opportunity to be on stage each session. The Mic Drop Comedy Workshop is fun, engaging and an amazing resource for anyone looking to start stand up comedy! This series of workshops meets each week on Saturdays from 12pm-2pm beginning April 26. The classes will take place on the following dates April 26, May 3, May 10, May 17, May 24, and final class is June 7. The classes will culminate with the student showcase on Saturday June 14 in front of a live audience in the Main Room @ Mic Drop Comedy.

For more details please email Jesse Egan @ jesseegancomedy@gmail.com.

04/26/2025 12:00 PM

Door Time: 11:00 AM

Other Showtimes

Comedy Workshop at Mic Drop Comedy Club!

Join our six week stand up comedy workshop, and develop a 5 minute set that you can perform at open mics and live shows!

Every week will be an interactive workshop that will cover different topics.

This workshop covers:

Stage presence

How to deal with hecklers

Comedy terminology

Writing techniques

Joke structure

Story telling

Finding your “voice”

This course is led by professional stand up comedians with years of experience. The workshop simulates a small show environment that gives each student an opportunity to be on stage each session. The Mic Drop Comedy Workshop is fun, engaging and an amazing resource for anyone looking to start stand up comedy! This series of workshops meets each week on Saturdays from 12pm-2pm beginning April 26. The classes will take place on the following dates April 26, May 3, May 10, May 17, May 24, and final class is June 7. The classes will culminate with the student showcase on Saturday June 14 in front of a live audience in the Main Room @ Mic Drop Comedy.

For more details please email Jesse Egan @ jesseegancomedy@gmail.com.

No refunds or exchanges.
Fee applies if transferring confirmed ticket purchase to another guest.

Ages 21+

Comedy Workshop at Mic Drop Comedy Club!

Join our six week stand up comedy workshop, and develop a 5 minute set that you can perform at open mics and live shows!

Every week will be an interactive workshop that will cover different topics.

This workshop covers:

Stage presence

How to deal with hecklers

Comedy terminology

Writing techniques

Joke structure

Story telling

Finding your “voice”

This course is led by professional stand up comedians with years of experience. The workshop simulates a small show environment that gives each student an opportunity to be on stage each session. The Mic Drop Comedy Workshop is fun, engaging and an amazing resource for anyone looking to start stand up comedy! This series of workshops meets each week on Saturdays from 12pm-2pm beginning April 26. The classes will take place on the following dates April 26, May 3, May 10, May 17, May 24, and final class is June 7. The classes will culminate with the student showcase on Saturday June 14 in front of a live audience in the Main Room @ Mic Drop Comedy.

For more details please email Jesse Egan @ jesseegancomedy@gmail.com.