Rand Comedy Productions produces various shows throughout Southern California & Arizona, including Comedy for a Cause. Every Comedy for a Cause show is produced in partnership with a local charitable organization that receives a portion of ticket sales, after expenses. Come enjoy a good laugh while helping a great organization.:
The Lucky Duck Foundation’s mission is to prevent and alleviate the suffering of homelessness throughout San Diego County and its co-founders match all donations up to $1.5 million per year. The Lucky Duck Foundation has purchased and installed massive industrial tent structures which provide shelter for 450 people nightly; funded 25+ employment and job training programs benefiting 1,500+ individuals; distributed 12,500+ winter coats that transform into sleeping bags; distributed 1.8+ million meals; removed 200+ tons of trash via a $2-per-bag of trash program “cash for trash,” and much more.
Rand Comedy Productions produces various shows throughout Southern California & Arizona, including Comedy for a Cause. Every Comedy for a Cause show is produced in partnership with a local charitable organization that receives a portion of ticket sales, after expenses. Come enjoy a good laugh while helping a great organization.:
The Lucky Duck Foundation’s mission is to prevent and alleviate the suffering of homelessness throughout San Diego County and its co-founders match all donations up to $1.5 million per year. The Lucky Duck Foundation has purchased and installed massive industrial tent structures which provide shelter for 450 people nightly; funded 25+ employment and job training programs benefiting 1,500+ individuals; distributed 12,500+ winter coats that transform into sleeping bags; distributed 1.8+ million meals; removed 200+ tons of trash via a $2-per-bag of trash program “cash for trash,” and much more.
No refunds or exchanges.
Fee applies if transferring confirmed ticket purchase to another guest.
Ages 21+
Rand Comedy Productions produces various shows throughout Southern California & Arizona, including Comedy for a Cause. Every Comedy for a Cause show is produced in partnership with a local charitable organization that receives a portion of ticket sales, after expenses. Come enjoy a good laugh while helping a great organization.:
The Lucky Duck Foundation’s mission is to prevent and alleviate the suffering of homelessness throughout San Diego County and its co-founders match all donations up to $1.5 million per year. The Lucky Duck Foundation has purchased and installed massive industrial tent structures which provide shelter for 450 people nightly; funded 25+ employment and job training programs benefiting 1,500+ individuals; distributed 12,500+ winter coats that transform into sleeping bags; distributed 1.8+ million meals; removed 200+ tons of trash via a $2-per-bag of trash program “cash for trash,” and much more.