Comedy/Casting Consultation: Naela Durrani


We are here to help you achieve your goals.

On this 1:1 Call, I will personally help you:

  • Give you specific advice to your situation
  • Help you build a plan to reach your goals
  • Walk you through all of your questions

Are you looking to take your career to new heights? Mic Drop’s private consulting services offer a tailored approach to help you thrive in the competitive world of comedy and entertainment. Whether you're a seasoned performer or just starting out, our one-on-one consultations connect you with an industry insider - comedy club owners, bookers, and festival producers - who provide invaluable insights and guidance. From exploring fresh platforms to refining your networking skills, we're here to help you think outside the box and navigate the entertainment industry with confidence. Don't let your potential go untapped.

Sign up now for a one-on-one consultation with Naela Durrani (Talent/Casting Agent). Consultations include a custom 20 minute consultation with Naela Durrani, and a 5 minute video review.